(915) 851-0272
1325 Beverly Ann
San Elizario,
Obtaining better quality of health services & housing construction, training to improve education & promote leadership in the community of the Lower Valley in the County of El Paso.
Access Esperanza Clinics
8916 E. Hackberry Ave., Suite B
Our mission is to provide education, advocacy, and affordable high-quality health care so women and men in our community can access the sexual and reproductive health services they need.
Affordable Homes of South Texas
(956) 687-6263
500 S. 15th St.
Provides Housing Opportunities and Home Rehabilitation Services to low income families in McAllen. The Emergency Assistance Donation Program is designed to assist families and individuals who have a one-time emergency need to improve living conditions, for example, emergency plumbing problems, roof leaks, water leaks, or any health hazards.
Aguilas del desierto
(760) 521-3768
P.O. Box 1078
California, P.O. BOX
Volunteer group that does search and rescue operations in the desert and mountainous regions of the border between the United States and Mexico.
Ajo Samaritans
P.O. Box 793
Arizona, P.O. BOX
We are people of conscience who are continuing the historical work of providing humanitarian aid to travelers in the desert in the Ajo, Arizona area. Our mission is to relieve suffering and prevent deaths of all travelers regardless of immigration status.
Al Otro Lado
511 E. San Ysidro Blvd. #333
San Ysidro ,
Al Otro Lado provides holistic legal and humanitarian support to refugees, deportees, and other migrants in the US and Tijuana through a multidisciplinary, client-centered, harm reduction-based practice.
Alianza Comunitaria
San Diego,
Our commitment to the community continues to be the defense of our right of movement and grounded in the dignity that all working families deserve. Through this network we will keep informing the community of checkpoints, raids, and police activity, as well as growing and bettering our notification system.
Alliance for African Assistance
(619) 286-9052
5952 El Cajon Boulevard
San Diego,
The mission of the Alliance for African Assistance is to serve refugees, immigrants, and the most vulnerable among us to become self-sufficient, productive members of the community.
Alliance San Diego
(619) 269-1823
P.O Box 12266
San Diego,
California, P.O. BOX
A community empowerment organization that builds coalitions to promote justice and social change.
American Civil Liberties Union of San Diego & Imperial Counties (ACLU)
(619) 232-2121
2760 Fifth Ave #300
San Diego,
Founded in 1920, the nonpartisan, nonprofit American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is today the nation’s premier public interest law firm and a formidable leader in the fight “to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.”
American Friends Service Committee
(215) 241-7000
3850 Westgate Place
San Diego,
We support local community-based organizing campaigns, train and accompany community-based leadership to educate, advocate, mobilize, and organize constituents to secure just and humane immigration policies.
American Friends Service Committee
(215) 241-7000
3850 Westgate Place
San Diego,
We support local community-based organizing campaigns, train and accompany community-based leadership to educate, advocate, mobilize, and organize constituents to secure just and humane immigration policies.
American Immigration Lawyers Association — San Diego Chapter.
(202) 216-2400
1122 Bristol Street
Costa Mesa,
Founded in 1946, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) is a national bar association of attorneys who practice and teach immigration law. AILA Member attorneys represent tens of thousands of U.S. businesses and industries, foreign students, entertainers, athletes, and asylum seekers. AILA is an Affiliated Organization of the American Bar Association.
American Immigration Lawyers Association — San Diego Chapter.
(202) 216-2400
1122 Bristol Street
Costa Mesa,
Founded in 1946, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) is a national bar association of attorneys who practice and teach immigration law. AILA Member attorneys represent tens of thousands of U.S. businesses and industries, foreign students, entertainers, athletes, and asylum seekers. AILA is an Affiliated Organization of the American Bar Association.
American Red Cross of San Diego/Imperial Counties.
(858) 309-1200
3950 Calle Fortunada
San Diego,
We provide food and shelter in emergencies, assist members of our armed forces, veterans and their families, teach lifesaving skills to ensure our communities are prepared to respond to emergencies, and so much more. All Red Cross assistance is free, made possible by voluntary donations of time and money from the American people.
American Red Cross of San Diego/Imperial Counties.
(858) 309-1200
3950 Calle Fortunada
San Diego,
We provide food and shelter in emergencies, assist members of our armed forces, veterans and their families, teach lifesaving skills to ensure our communities are prepared to respond to emergencies, and so much more. All Red Cross assistance is free, made possible by voluntary donations of time and money from the American people.
American Red Cross South Texas Chapter
(956) 423-0523
6914 W. Expressway 83
Region provides service in the following main areas: disaster relief and preparedness education; assistance for military personnel, veterans and their families and health and safety courses.
American Red Cross South Texas Chapter
(956) 423-0523
6914 W. Expressway 83
Region provides service in the following main areas: disaster relief and preparedness education; assistance for military personnel, veterans and their families and health and safety courses.
Amigos Del Valle/Meals on Wheels
(956) 213-9400
4138 W. Crosspoint Blvd.
The Mission of Amigos Del Valle, Inc. is to positively impact the quality of life in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas through the provision of diversified and effective human services, community development activities and advocacy, which are directed to low income families; and with special emphasis in assisting the elder population to maintain active, healthy and independent lives
Amigos Del Valle/Meals on Wheels
(956) 213-9400
4138 W. Crosspoint Blvd.
The Mission of Amigos Del Valle, Inc. is to positively impact the quality of life in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas through the provision of diversified and effective human services, community development activities and advocacy, which are directed to low income families; and with special emphasis in assisting the elder population to maintain active, healthy and independent lives
Anthony Youth Farm
(575) 889-3823
1590 NM-478
New Mexico
The Anthony Youth Farm provides training and leadership opportunities for rural youth through food, farming, and business incubation.
Anthony Youth Farm
(575) 889-3823
1590 NM-478
New Mexico
The Anthony Youth Farm provides training and leadership opportunities for rural youth through food, farming, and business incubation.
Arise Adelente
(956) 783-6959
Email: [email protected]
1417 S Tower Rd.
Community organization that promotes personal development & empowerment of the immigrant community, especially women, children, & youth of the Rio Grande Valley through educational programs that strengthen their organized community & civic participation.
Arise Adelente
(956) 783-6959
Email: [email protected]
1417 S Tower Rd.
Community organization that promotes personal development & empowerment of the immigrant community, especially women, children, & youth of the Rio Grande Valley through educational programs that strengthen their organized community & civic participation.
Arizona Justice For Our Neighbors
(520) 404-0031
1130 East Bilby Road
Arizona Justice for Our Neighbors (Arizona JFON) welcomes immigrants by providing affordable, high-quality immigration legal services to low-income immigrants, engaging in advocacy for immigrant rights, and offering education to communities of faith and to the public about immigration.
Arizona Justice For Our Neighbors
(520) 404-0031
1130 East Bilby Road
Arizona Justice for Our Neighbors (Arizona JFON) welcomes immigrants by providing affordable, high-quality immigration legal services to low-income immigrants, engaging in advocacy for immigrant rights, and offering education to communities of faith and to the public about immigration.
Armadillos del Desierto
(760) 685-8499
San Diego,
Migrar es un derecho natural, que no debería poner en riesgo nuestras vidas. Migramos en busca de una forma digna de vida para nuestras familias y seres amados. La migración atraviesa toda America de Sur a Norte. Ni un Migrante Menos ARMADILLOS. Los Armadillos son un equipo autónomo de búsqueda y rescate totalmente voluntario con miembros de San Diego, Vista, San Marcos, Madera y Fresno, que realizan la mayor parte de su trabajo en los desiertos de Arizona y California (tierras colonizadas de Tohono O´odham y Kumeyaay. | The Armadillos are an autonomous, all volunteer search & rescue team with members from San Diego, Vista, San Marcos, Madera, and Fresno, who does the majority of their work in the Arizona & Californian deserts (occupied Tohono O´odham & Kumeyaay Land)
Armadillos del Desierto
(760) 685-8499
San Diego,
Migrar es un derecho natural, que no debería poner en riesgo nuestras vidas. Migramos en busca de una forma digna de vida para nuestras familias y seres amados. La migración atraviesa toda America de Sur a Norte. Ni un Migrante Menos ARMADILLOS. Los Armadillos son un equipo autónomo de búsqueda y rescate totalmente voluntario con miembros de San Diego, Vista, San Marcos, Madera y Fresno, que realizan la mayor parte de su trabajo en los desiertos de Arizona y California (tierras colonizadas de Tohono O´odham y Kumeyaay. | The Armadillos are an autonomous, all volunteer search & rescue team with members from San Diego, Vista, San Marcos, Madera, and Fresno, who does the majority of their work in the Arizona & Californian deserts (occupied Tohono O´odham & Kumeyaay Land)
AVANCE Rio Grande Valley (Regional Office)
(956) 354-2130
811 Bowie Ave.
Non-profit organization, primarily serving Texas, that creates pathways to economic mobility for predominately Latino families through high quality, culturally responsive, two-generation programming that ensures school-readiness for young children and opportunities for parents to build social and economic capital.
AVANCE Rio Grande Valley (Regional Office)
(956) 354-2130
213 W. 2nd. St.
Rio Grande City,
Non-profit organization, primarily serving Texas, that creates pathways to economic mobility for predominately Latino families through high quality, culturally responsive, two-generation programming that ensures school-readiness for young children and opportunities for parents to build social and economic capital.
AVANCE Rio Grande Valley (Regional Office)
(956) 354-2130
708 Delmar St.
Non-profit organization, primarily serving Texas, that creates pathways to economic mobility for predominately Latino families through high quality, culturally responsive, two-generation programming that ensures school-readiness for young children and opportunities for parents to build social and economic capital.
AVANCE Rio Grande Valley (Regional Office)
(956) 354-2130
213 W. 2nd. St.
Rio Grande City,
Non-profit organization, primarily serving Texas, that creates pathways to economic mobility for predominately Latino families through high quality, culturally responsive, two-generation programming that ensures school-readiness for young children and opportunities for parents to build social and economic capital.
AVANCE Rio Grande Valley (Regional Office)
(956) 354-2130
708 Delmar St.
Non-profit organization, primarily serving Texas, that creates pathways to economic mobility for predominately Latino families through high quality, culturally responsive, two-generation programming that ensures school-readiness for young children and opportunities for parents to build social and economic capital.
AVANCE Rio Grande Valley (Regional Office)
(956) 354-2130
811 Bowie Ave.
Non-profit organization, primarily serving Texas, that creates pathways to economic mobility for predominately Latino families through high quality, culturally responsive, two-generation programming that ensures school-readiness for young children and opportunities for parents to build social and economic capital.
(956) 230-3849
1702 E Tyler Ave # 4
The BCFS System is a global health and human services organization with programs and locations in the U.S. as well as internationally.
(956) 230-3849
1702 E Tyler Ave # 4
The BCFS System is a global health and human services organization with programs and locations in the U.S. as well as internationally.
Beckett Law Firm, P.C.
(915) 772-4204
1611 Beech St #B
El Paso,
The attorneys at Beckett Law Office, P.C. strive to provide quality legal services at reasonable rates throughout central Illinois with a focus in Champaign, Douglas, and Piatt Counties.
Beckett Law Firm, P.C.
(915) 772-4204
1611 Beech St #B
El Paso,
The attorneys at Beckett Law Office, P.C. strive to provide quality legal services at reasonable rates throughout central Illinois with a focus in Champaign, Douglas, and Piatt Counties.
Behavioral Health Solutions of South Texas (BHSST)
(800) 748-3577
5510 N Cage Blvd.
Behavioral Health Solutions of South Texas (BHSST) provides a multilevel approach inclusive of prevention, intervention, treatment, recovery, and research to reduce substance use and related co-existing conditions in our communities, encourage healthier lifestyles related to at-risk public health behaviors, and promote stronger families. Our multi-level approach centers on age appropriateness, cultural and language relevancy in an environment that is research and outcome-based. BHSST aims to be a leader in the development of resources appropriate to its communities by strengthening collaborations and engaging community members to guide our efforts.
Behavioral Health Solutions of South Texas (BHSST)
(800) 748-3577
5510 N Cage Blvd.
Behavioral Health Solutions of South Texas (BHSST) provides a multilevel approach inclusive of prevention, intervention, treatment, recovery, and research to reduce substance use and related co-existing conditions in our communities, encourage healthier lifestyles related to at-risk public health behaviors, and promote stronger families. Our multi-level approach centers on age appropriateness, cultural and language relevancy in an environment that is research and outcome-based. BHSST aims to be a leader in the development of resources appropriate to its communities by strengthening collaborations and engaging community members to guide our efforts.
Bethany House Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen of Laredo
(956) 722-4152
817 Hidalgo Street
Bethany House of Laredo is a local non-profit founded by Father Charles McNaboe with the mission “to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless.” Since 1982, the agency has served the indigent as well as individuals and families facing homelessness or at-risk of becoming homeless. With a soup kitchen and shelter complex, Bethany House is the only agency of its kind that works to alleviate the hardships of poverty by providing meals, shelter, clothing and other supportive services as an avenue to become self-sufficient.
Bethany House Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen of Laredo
(956) 722-4152
817 Hidalgo Street
Bethany House of Laredo is a local non-profit founded by Father Charles McNaboe with the mission “to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless.” Since 1982, the agency has served the indigent as well as individuals and families facing homelessness or at-risk of becoming homeless. With a soup kitchen and shelter complex, Bethany House is the only agency of its kind that works to alleviate the hardships of poverty by providing meals, shelter, clothing and other supportive services as an avenue to become self-sufficient.
Bethany House Shelter of Laredo
(956) 722-4152
817 Hidalgo Street
Bethany House of Laredo is a local non-profit founded by Father Charles McNaboe with the mission “to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless.” Since 1982, the agency has served the indigent as well as individuals and families facing homelessness or at-risk of becoming homeless. With a soup kitchen and shelter complex, Bethany House is the only agency of its kind that works to alleviate the hardships of poverty by providing meals, shelter, clothing and other supportive services as an avenue to become self-sufficient.
Bethany House Shelter of Laredo
(956) 722-4152
817 Hidalgo Street
Bethany House of Laredo is a local non-profit founded by Father Charles McNaboe with the mission “to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless.” Since 1982, the agency has served the indigent as well as individuals and families facing homelessness or at-risk of becoming homeless. With a soup kitchen and shelter complex, Bethany House is the only agency of its kind that works to alleviate the hardships of poverty by providing meals, shelter, clothing and other supportive services as an avenue to become self-sufficient.
Black Alliance for Just Immigration
(347) 464-5422
Los Angeles,
BAJI’s flagship project is the Black Immigration Network (BIN), a national alliance that brings together black-led organizations and programs to advance just immigration policies and promote cultural shifts our communities need. The BIN kinship provides a safe, communal space for diverse black communities to connect, engage and advocate for equality and justice for all
Black Alliance for Just Immigration
(347) 464-5422
Los Angeles,
BAJI’s flagship project is the Black Immigration Network (BIN), a national alliance that brings together black-led organizations and programs to advance just immigration policies and promote cultural shifts our communities need. The BIN kinship provides a safe, communal space for diverse black communities to connect, engage and advocate for equality and justice for all
Border Angels
(619) 487- 0249
Inquiries and donations [email protected] Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] Media requests Dulce Garcia, Executive Director [email protected]
2258 Island Ave.
San Diego,
Border Angels promotes a culture of love through advocacy, education, by creating a social consciousness, and engaging in direct action to defend the rights of migrants and refugees.
Border Angels
(619) 487-0249
2258 Island Ave.
San Diego ,
Reduce the number of fatalities along the US-Mexico border by educating and assisting the communities on both sides of the border. Services include educational programs, Water Drops in the desert, Day Laborer Outreach, Familias Reunidas Immigration Bond Fund program, and Shelter Aid support in Tijuana to aid migrants and asylum seekers in need in need.
Border Angels
(619) 487- 0249
Inquiries and donations [email protected] Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] Media requests Dulce Garcia, Executive Director [email protected]
2258 Island Ave.
San Diego,
Border Angels promotes a culture of love through advocacy, education, by creating a social consciousness, and engaging in direct action to defend the rights of migrants and refugees.
Border Angels
(619) 487-0249
2258 Island Ave.
San Diego ,
Reduce the number of fatalities along the US-Mexico border by educating and assisting the communities on both sides of the border. Services include educational programs, Water Drops in the desert, Day Laborer Outreach, Familias Reunidas Immigration Bond Fund program, and Shelter Aid support in Tijuana to aid migrants and asylum seekers in need in need.
Border Network For Human Rights
(915) 577-0724
2115 N Piedras St.
El Paso ,
purpose is to facilitate the education, the organizing and the participation of marginalized border communities to defend and promote human and civil rights; to the end that these communities work to create political, economic, and social conditions where every human being is equal in dignity and rights.
Border Network For Human Rights
(915) 577-0724
2115 N Piedras St.
El Paso ,
purpose is to facilitate the education, the organizing and the participation of marginalized border communities to defend and promote human and civil rights; to the end that these communities work to create political, economic, and social conditions where every human being is equal in dignity and rights.
Border Patrol Victims Network
(520) 400-7625
The Border Patrol Victims Network (BPVN) is comprised of families and individuals who have been affected by violence (especially killings) from US Border Patrol agents, and volunteers.
Border Patrol Victims Network
(520) 400-7625
The Border Patrol Victims Network (BPVN) is comprised of families and individuals who have been affected by violence (especially killings) from US Border Patrol agents, and volunteers.
Border Region Behavioral 24-Hour Crisis Line
(956) 794-3042
1500 Pappas St
Border Region Behavioral Health Center exists to provide cost-effective services that improve the quality of life of those we serve by promoting independence in the community.
Border Region Behavioral 24-Hour Crisis Line
(956) 794-3042
1500 Pappas St
Border Region Behavioral Health Center exists to provide cost-effective services that improve the quality of life of those we serve by promoting independence in the community.
Buckner Children and Family Services, Inc.-Rio Grande Valley
(800) 442-4800
5425 N McColl Road Suite A
Buckner housing programs for vulnerable children, families, campers and seniors comply with all applicable state and federal Fair Housing laws including the Fair Housing
Buckner Children and Family Services, Inc.-Rio Grande Valley
(800) 442-4800
5425 N McColl Road Suite A
Buckner housing programs for vulnerable children, families, campers and seniors comply with all applicable state and federal Fair Housing laws including the Fair Housing
CAIR San Diego
(858) 278-4547
7710 Balboa Avenue, Suite 326
San Diego ,
Civil rights advocacy remains at the center of CAIR’s work. CAIR has served more than 25,000 victims of discrimination since its founding
CAIR San Diego
(858) 278-4547
7710 Balboa Avenue, Suite 326
San Diego ,
Civil rights advocacy remains at the center of CAIR’s work. CAIR has served more than 25,000 victims of discrimination since its founding
CAIR San Diego (Council On American Islamic Relations)
7710 Balboa Ave.
San Diego,
CAIR facilitates opportunities to engage with government bodies, to influence public policy by meeting with elected officials and to advocate for legislation that aims to preserve civil liberties and promote social justice through various programs
CAIR San Diego (Council On American Islamic Relations)
7710 Balboa Ave.
San Diego,
CAIR facilitates opportunities to engage with government bodies, to influence public policy by meeting with elected officials and to advocate for legislation that aims to preserve civil liberties and promote social justice through various programs
California Immigrant Policy Center
1225 8th St #590
CIPC advocates for policies that uphold the humanity of immigrants and refugees while advancing racial, social and economic justice.
California Immigrant Policy Center
1225 8th St #590
CIPC advocates for policies that uphold the humanity of immigrants and refugees while advancing racial, social and economic justice.
Casa de Esperanza (SalvaVision)
6161 E Fairmount St
Provides aid and support to asylum seekers, migrants that are passing through or being dropped off by cartel or deported by Border Patrol in the remote town of Sasabe, Sonora. We also have partnerships to support returnees who have been deported to their home countries.
Casa de Esperanza (SalvaVision)
6161 E Fairmount St
Provides aid and support to asylum seekers, migrants that are passing through or being dropped off by cartel or deported by Border Patrol in the remote town of Sasabe, Sonora. We also have partnerships to support returnees who have been deported to their home countries.
Casa de Misericordia
(877) 782-2722
Lamar Bruni Vergara Education Center, 1000 Mier St.
Casa de Misericordia is a shelter for victims of domestic violence and offers survivors a chance to reclaim their lives through comprehensive, holistic services and consistent long-term support. Casa de Misericordia provides secure, temporary residential services to victims of domestic violence. Survivors can be oriented, educated on domestic violence and offered emotional support. Casa de Misericordia also links victims to appropriate agencies based on their needs and goals.
Casa de Misericordia
(877) 782-2722
Lamar Bruni Vergara Education Center, 1000 Mier St.
Casa de Misericordia is a shelter for victims of domestic violence and offers survivors a chance to reclaim their lives through comprehensive, holistic services and consistent long-term support. Casa de Misericordia provides secure, temporary residential services to victims of domestic violence. Survivors can be oriented, educated on domestic violence and offered emotional support. Casa de Misericordia also links victims to appropriate agencies based on their needs and goals.
Casa de Peregrinos
(575) 523-5542
999 W. Amador Ave., Suite F
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
To provide shelter, a food-and-clothing bank, and cooperative activities for the homeless. As stated in the Incorporation papers, their intent was to provide “shelter, food, etc. to the homeless and transients” and “to operate a cooperative garden and food bank.”
Casa de Peregrinos
(575) 523-5542
999 W. Amador Ave., Suite F
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
To provide shelter, a food-and-clothing bank, and cooperative activities for the homeless. As stated in the Incorporation papers, their intent was to provide “shelter, food, etc. to the homeless and transients” and “to operate a cooperative garden and food bank.”
Casa de Proyecto Libertad
(956) 425-9552
113 N 1st St.
Our mission is to promote and defend the Human Rights of immigrant families in the Rio Grande Valley through legal defense, community organizing, and advocacy.J
Casa de Proyecto Libertad
(956) 425-9552
113 N 1st St.
Our mission is to promote and defend the Human Rights of immigrant families in the Rio Grande Valley through legal defense, community organizing, and advocacy.J
Casa Familiar
(619) 428-1115
1901 Del Sur Boulevard
San Ysidro,
The mission of Casa Familiar allows the dignity, power and worth within individuals and families to flourish by enhancing the quality of life through education, advocacy, service programming, art and culture, housing and community/economic development.
Casa Familiar
(619) 428-1115
1901 Del Sur Boulevard
San Ysidro,
The mission of Casa Familiar allows the dignity, power and worth within individuals and families to flourish by enhancing the quality of life through education, advocacy, service programming, art and culture, housing and community/economic development.
Casa of Hidalgo
(956) 381-0346
1001 S. 10th Street
The mission of CASA of Hidalgo County Inc. is to speak for the best interests of the children in the courts by promoting and supporting quality volunteer representation to provide each child a safe, permanent, nurturing home.
Casa of Hidalgo
(956) 381-0346
1001 S. 10th Street
The mission of CASA of Hidalgo County Inc. is to speak for the best interests of the children in the courts by promoting and supporting quality volunteer representation to provide each child a safe, permanent, nurturing home.
Catholic Charities — Diocese of Laredo
(956) 722-2443
1901 Corpus Christi St.
Catholic Charities-Diocese of Laredo is committed to serving the emergency needs of the indigent and believe that all people have the right to live in an environment that is free of abuse, violence, fear and oppression.
Catholic Charities — Diocese of Laredo
(956) 722-2443
1901 Corpus Christi St.
Catholic Charities-Diocese of Laredo is committed to serving the emergency needs of the indigent and believe that all people have the right to live in an environment that is free of abuse, violence, fear and oppression.
Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego
(619) 323-2841
3888 Paducah Drive
San Diego,
To facilitate an effective and memorable transition experience for refugees through an integrated provision of services: Resettlement, Employment, Acculturation, Case Management, Health.
Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego
(619) 323-2841
3888 Paducah Drive
San Diego,
To facilitate an effective and memorable transition experience for refugees through an integrated provision of services: Resettlement, Employment, Acculturation, Case Management, Health.
Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc.
1531 James M Wood Blvd
Los Angeles,
Our attorneys and immigration specialists offer help for immigrants, refugees and asylees who are in need of free and low-cost legal and social services.
Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc.
1531 James M Wood Blvd
Los Angeles,
Our attorneys and immigration specialists offer help for immigrants, refugees and asylees who are in need of free and low-cost legal and social services.
Catholic Charities of Southern New Mexico
(575) 527-0500
125 W Mountain Ave
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
Alleviating suffering and creating hope for those in need is the mission of Catholic Charities of Southern New Mexico. We work to help meet the basic needs of individuals and families, address the root causes of poverty, eliminate oppression, and build a more just and compassionate society.
Catholic Charities of Southern New Mexico
(575) 527-0500
125 W Mountain Ave
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
Alleviating suffering and creating hope for those in need is the mission of Catholic Charities of Southern New Mexico. We work to help meet the basic needs of individuals and families, address the root causes of poverty, eliminate oppression, and build a more just and compassionate society.
Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley
(956) 541-0220
955 W. Price Rd.
Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley Catholic Charities is the charitable branch of the Diocese of Brownsville. Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley has projects that provide assistance to the poor and most vulnerable population in our community. It is part of the larger family of Catholic Charities USA and Caritas Internacionalis.
Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley
(956) 702-4088
700 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd.
San Juan,
Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley Catholic Charities is the charitable branch of the Diocese of Brownsville. Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley has projects that provide assistance to the poor and most vulnerable population in our community. It is part of the larger family of Catholic Charities USA and Caritas Internacionalis.
Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley
(956) 702-4088
700 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd.
San Juan,
Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley Catholic Charities is the charitable branch of the Diocese of Brownsville. Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley has projects that provide assistance to the poor and most vulnerable population in our community. It is part of the larger family of Catholic Charities USA and Caritas Internacionalis.
Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley
(956) 541-0220
955 W. Price Rd.
Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley Catholic Charities is the charitable branch of the Diocese of Brownsville. Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley has projects that provide assistance to the poor and most vulnerable population in our community. It is part of the larger family of Catholic Charities USA and Caritas Internacionalis.
Centro de Servicios Sociales Aztlan
(956) 724-6244
Contact through Messanger
406 Scott St
The Staff at APSS Centro Aztlan specialize in immigration services and distribution of information and benefits for agricultural migrant workers.
Centro de Servicios Sociales Aztlan
(956) 724-6244
Contact through Messanger
406 Scott St
The Staff at APSS Centro Aztlan specialize in immigration services and distribution of information and benefits for agricultural migrant workers.
Children’s Advocacy Center of Hidalgo County – Estrella’s House
(956) 287-9754
525 W Wisconsin Rd.
Child abuse and neglect are not isolated occurrences. Every single day, in our very own community in the Rio Grande Valley, children are physically, emotionally, and sexually abused
Children’s Advocacy Center of Hidalgo County – Estrella’s House
(956) 287-9754
525 W Wisconsin Rd.
Child abuse and neglect are not isolated occurrences. Every single day, in our very own community in the Rio Grande Valley, children are physically, emotionally, and sexually abused
Christ Ministry Center
(888) 282-6367
3295 Meade Ave
San Diego,
Since the establishment of the Diocese of San Diego in 1936, the role of Catholic Charities has been to provide social welfare programs, witness to the scriptural values of mercy and justice, and advocate for the poor and vulnerable within the diocese.
Christ Ministry Center
(888) 282-6367
3295 Meade Ave
San Diego,
Since the establishment of the Diocese of San Diego in 1936, the role of Catholic Charities has been to provide social welfare programs, witness to the scriptural values of mercy and justice, and advocate for the poor and vulnerable within the diocese.
Clinica Amistad
101 W Irvington Road, Building 3-C
Clinica Amistad
101 W Irvington Road, Building 3-C
Coalición de Derechos Humanos
(520) 891-6169
225 E 26 St.Ste #2
Strengthening the capacity of the border & urban communities to exercise their rights and participate in public policy decisions, Increasing public awareness of the magnitude of human rights abuses, deaths and assaults at the border resulting from U.S. policy, Seeking changes in government policies that result in human suffering because of the militarization of the U.S. border region
Coalición de Derechos Humanos
(520) 891-6169
225 E 26 St.Ste #2
Strengthening the capacity of the border & urban communities to exercise their rights and participate in public policy decisions, Increasing public awareness of the magnitude of human rights abuses, deaths and assaults at the border resulting from U.S. policy, Seeking changes in government policies that result in human suffering because of the militarization of the U.S. border region
Colonias Development Council
1050 Monte Vista
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
The mission of the Colonias Development Council
Colonias Development Council
1050 Monte Vista
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
The mission of the Colonias Development Council
Colores United
(575) 322-2330
The Armory, 700 Pearl St.
New Mexico
Colores United will evolve into what it needs to be based on the current need, be it hosting brainstorming sessions, launching public improvement projects, or supporting our neighboring communities through activism, culture and networking. We will fund-raise for our community and distribute to different efforts that support in making our community a better place to live and visit. We will encourage those in our community to make changes that better our community through initiatives and special projects driven from within our community. We will make our entire community – especially our children and future generations living in our area – our number one priority.
Colores United
(575) 322-2330
The Armory, 700 Pearl St.
New Mexico
Colores United will evolve into what it needs to be based on the current need, be it hosting brainstorming sessions, launching public improvement projects, or supporting our neighboring communities through activism, culture and networking. We will fund-raise for our community and distribute to different efforts that support in making our community a better place to live and visit. We will encourage those in our community to make changes that better our community through initiatives and special projects driven from within our community. We will make our entire community – especially our children and future generations living in our area – our number one priority.
Community Action Agency of Southern New Mexico
(575) 527-8799
816 Anthony Rd.
New Mexico
CAASNM empowers and uplifts Southern New Mexicans through programs that build individual and family strength and resilience. Its board-approved mission is to partner with New Mexicans to overcome adversity by connecting communities, encouraging family wellness, empowering families and bridging resources—CAASNM’s four pillars of service in the community.
Community Action Agency of Southern New Mexico
3880 Foothills Rd. Ste. A
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
CAASNM empowers and uplifts Southern New Mexicans through programs that build individual and family strength and resilience.
Community Action Agency of Southern New Mexico
(575) 527-8799
816 Anthony Rd.
New Mexico
CAASNM empowers and uplifts Southern New Mexicans through programs that build individual and family strength and resilience. Its board-approved mission is to partner with New Mexicans to overcome adversity by connecting communities, encouraging family wellness, empowering families and bridging resources—CAASNM’s four pillars of service in the community.
Community Action Agency of Southern New Mexico
3880 Foothills Rd. Ste. A
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
CAASNM empowers and uplifts Southern New Mexicans through programs that build individual and family strength and resilience.
Concilio Campesino del Sudoeste
(575) 521-9814
2220 S. Solano Dr.
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
The Council for Farm Workers of the Southwest started in order to address the needs of the farm worker population. Concilio CDS Inc. has expanded in serving seniors, youth, families, migrant and seasonal farm workers, veterans, immigrants and a large percent of people who are Spanish speakers or bilingual by addressing health disparities, economic crisis, poverty, education, hunger and other areas through community volunteerism.
Concilio Campesino del Sudoeste
(575) 521-9814
2220 S. Solano Dr.
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
The Council for Farm Workers of the Southwest started in order to address the needs of the farm worker population. Concilio CDS Inc. has expanded in serving seniors, youth, families, migrant and seasonal farm workers, veterans, immigrants and a large percent of people who are Spanish speakers or bilingual by addressing health disparities, economic crisis, poverty, education, hunger and other areas through community volunteerism.
Cornerstone Regional Hospital
(956) 618-4444
2302 Cornerstone Blvd.
Providing hospital services as part of the South Texas Health System.
Cornerstone Regional Hospital
(956) 618-4444
2302 Cornerstone Blvd.
Providing hospital services as part of the South Texas Health System.
CSA San Diego
(619) 444-5700
327 Van Houten Ave
El Cajon,
CSA San Diego County is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose primary mission is the promotion of social justice and public welfare through programs, services, and advocacy against all forms of discrimination, including advocacy for the eradication of housing discrimination to assure equal housing opportunity for all individuals.
CSA San Diego
(619) 444-5700
327 Van Houten Ave
El Cajon,
CSA San Diego County is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose primary mission is the promotion of social justice and public welfare through programs, services, and advocacy against all forms of discrimination, including advocacy for the eradication of housing discrimination to assure equal housing opportunity for all individuals.
Dentists Who Care
(956) 318-3383
307 E. Railroad St. #112
The mission of Dentists Who Care is to improve and enhance the quality of life for low-income children in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas through access to oral health care.
Dentists Who Care
(956) 318-3383
307 E. Railroad St. #112
The mission of Dentists Who Care is to improve and enhance the quality of life for low-income children in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas through access to oral health care.
Detained Migrant Solidarity Committee
(915) 229-6086
El Paso,
organize, educate, and act for more humane policies, practices, and public opinion on migrant detention. Our collective effort is dedicated to nurturing a safe and welcoming community for all, regardless of borders.
Detained Migrant Solidarity Committee
(915) 229-6086
El Paso,
organize, educate, and act for more humane policies, practices, and public opinion on migrant detention. Our collective effort is dedicated to nurturing a safe and welcoming community for all, regardless of borders.
and cultivation of an equitable standard of living in colonia communities in Southern New Mexico by creating the spaces for transformative leadership through community andeconomic development."
is to improve the quality of life through the promotion
(575) 647-2744
and cultivation of an equitable standard of living in colonia communities in Southern New Mexico by creating the spaces for transformative leadership through community andeconomic development."
is to improve the quality of life through the promotion
(575) 647-2744
Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc.
(915) 532-3975 ext. 0
2400 Yandell Dr.
El Paso,
Provider of free and low cost immigration legal services in West Texas and New Mexico. We provide a comprehensive range of immigration legal services including representation in family-based immigration matters, Citizenship/Naturalization matters, matters related to benefits for survivors of domestic violence and other crimes, removal proceedings before the Immigration Courts, and services for adults and unaccompanied immigrant children detained in the local immigration detention centers
Diocese of San Bernardino
1201 E. Highland Ave.
San Bernardino,
Doctor’s Hospital at Renaissance
(956) 632-4357
5501 So. McColl Rd.
DHR Health’s Outpatient Rehabilitation department provides a wealth of specialties and convenient locations for the benefit of the communities we serve. Our commitment to enhancing overall quality of life is demonstrated by our personalized care, specialty-trained therapists, diagnosis-specific programs, and access to advanced rehabilitation technology.
Easterseals Rio Grande Valley
(956) 631-9171
1217 W Houston Ave.
McAllen ,
young children deserve quality intervention and access to necessary services so they have a chance for a good start in life and an opportunity to grow, learn, succeed and contribute to their community.
Edinburg Children’s Hospital & Regional Medical Ctr.
(956) 388-6800
1102 West Trenton Road
The first of its kind in South Texas, South Texas Health System Children’s features a four-story pediatric tower, a dedicated pediatric emergency department, specialty pediatric services and advanced technology, including the Valleys first 32-slice CT and radioflouroscopy room.
El Centro de Igualdad y Derechos NM
(505) 246-1627
714 4th St SW
New Mexico
El CENTRO is a grassroots, immigrants’ rights and workers’ justice organization based in Central New Mexico that works with Latino immigrant communities and allies to defend, strengthen, and advance the rights of our community.
El Milagro Clinic
(956) 213-6400
901 Vermont Ave E
The Mission is to provide comprehensive primary, disease prevention and behavioral health care services to McAllen and Rio Grande Valley residents who are medically indigent.
El Rio Community Health Center
(520) 370-3686
101 W. Irvington RoadBuilding 10
This health center receives HHS funding and has Federal Public Health Service (PHS) deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals.
Employee Rights Center
(619) 521-1372
4265 Fairmount Ave, Ste 200
San Diego,
encouraging family wellness
empowering families and bridging resources—CAASNM’s four pillars of service in the community."
Its board-approved mission is to partner with New Mexicans to overcome adversity by connecting communities
(575) 527-8799
End Streamline Coalition
(520) 661-6686
Streamline courts were created to deliver en masse fast-track criminal court proceedings. Streamline began in Del Rio, Texas, on December 16, 2005 and expanded to every border district except California. In 2018 new Trump administration zero-tolerance prosecution policies resulted in a new Streamline court in San Diego.
Family Crisis Center of the Rio Grande Valley
(866) 423-9305
616 W. Taylor
services to battered victims, their children and victims of sexual assault in Cameron and Willacy Counties.. The Center also provides extensive educational and violence prevention programs. Our services include a 24-hour hotline, accompaniment to the hospital, police interviews and court proceedings, counseling, support groups and temporary shelter.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Tucson
(520) 624-8695
740 E. Speedway Boulevard
Christian Church that welcomes migrants. Learn what’s at stake for our communities and climate in 2022, commit to a year of engagement for resilience and restoration, and pray for a revival of climate justice
First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego
(619) 271-5017
Hillcrest campus 4190 Front Street
San Diego,
We believe the Palestine-Israel Justice group furthers our congregation’s justice work within our church and in the larger San Diego region. We acknowledge that we are not alone in this work. We plan to work closely with other Unitarian Universalist social justice organizations, as well as other faith and social justice allies. We look forward to engaging with you on this journey.
legal services on both sides of the US-Mexico border and beyond. We engage in zealous individual representation
medical-legal partnerships,
We provide direct
and impact litigation to protect the rights of immigrants and asylum-seekers."
Frontera de Cristo
(520) 364-9257
826 11th Street
Frontera de Cristo serves people through a variety of partner ministries including migrant shelters, after-school centers, community gardens, a cooperative fair trade plus coffee business, rehabilitation facilities, and more.
Global Immersion Project
(925) 289-9684
2801 B St. #22
San Diego,
Having studied alongside academic experts, walked with peacemaking practitioners all over the world and lived it out on the streets of our neighborhoods, we’ve developed a four-practice framework for Everyday Peacemaking. Today, we’re watching entire communities transform as individuals and churches embody these four practices:
Good Neighbor Settlement House
(956) 542-2368
https://Contact form at: www.goodneighborsettlement.org/
1254 E. Tyler St.
Good Neighbor Settlement House, Inc. is a nonprofit, multi-service agency dedicated to assisting the needy men, women, and children of Brownsville through programs that provide nutritious meals, clothing, showers, and support services.
Green Valley-Sahuarita Samaritans
(520) 401-5048
17750 S. La Cañada
The mission of Samaritans is to save lives and relieve suffering in the Arizona borderlands. The conditions at our border have changed since our founding in 2005 and yet we are still focused on this same mission.
Grupo Amor “Mujer Eres Libre” Luk. 13:12
(956) 774-8887
5909 Santa Maria Avenue
Grupo de apoyo en español para mujers y sus familias que sufren de la violencia domestica.
Haitian Bridge Alliance
(949) 29501253
4265 Fairmount Ave # 280
San Diego,
All of our services—from food assistance and transportation, to counseling and career coaching—work together to equip individuals and families with the building blocks to thrive. We measure our work’s effectiveness by looking at client, service, and community outcomes and make changes when we discover better ways to work.
Hidalgo County Head Start Program
(956) 383-0706
1901 W State Hwy 10
Provides comprehensive early childhood development services for children, ages 3-5, with and without disabilities, and their families, with the overall goal of increasing the school readiness of young children in families with low income.
Hope Border Institute
(915) 872-8400
8330 Park Haven Ave.
El Paso,
Social teaching to bear on the realities unique to our US-Mexico border region. Through a robust program of research and policy work, leadership development and action, we work to build justice and deepen solidarity across the borderlands.
Hope Family Health Center
(956) 994-3319
2332 Jordan Rd.
Hope Family Health Center provides quality integrated medical and counseling services including preventative care and education to medically indigent individuals and families living in the Rio Grande Valley.
House of Mexico/Gente Unida
(619) 977-9467
P.O. Box 86598
San Diego,
California, P.O. BOX
A human rights coalition
Iglesia Luterana San Lucas
1725 Eidson RD #5661
Eagle Pass,
Immigrant Defenders Law Center
(213) 634-0999
634 S. Spring St. 10th Fl.
Los Angeles,
We are a next-generation social justice law firm that defends our immigrant communities against injustices in the immigration system.
immigrant rights
medical assistance"
Clinic for mostly uninsured clients. Largely serves people who are undocumented. They provide free primary health care, preventive services, and education to those in need and without access to health care throughout the greater Tucson area. ,
,Tucson,85714,https://www.clinicaamistad.org/,first aid
Immigration Center for Women and Children (San Diego)
427 C St #208
San Diego,
The Immigration Center for Women and Children (ICWC) is a non-profit legal organization providing free and affordable immigration services to underrepresented immigrants in California and Nevada. ICWC strives to provide security and stability for children who are abused, abandoned or neglected and for immigrants who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and other violent crimes.
Inland coalition for immigrant justice
(909) 652-0214
521 N Euclid Ave
We have continued to grow in strength and depth. We have evolved into a dynamic, diverse, and prominent coalition–engine for justice and change in the Inland Region and California. Currently, over 40 grassroots, community, faith-based, legal service, and workers rights organizations are part of the Coalition.
Interfaith Justice Coalition
(619) 269-182
P.O. Box 12266
San Diego,
California, P.O. BOX
The Interfaith Justice Coalition is a moral movement grounded in faith and social justice, committed to our shared values to create a San Diego County where all people can achieve their full potential in an environment of harmony, safety, equality, and justice.
Interfaith Welcome Coalition
(210) 540-4461
300 Bushnell
San Antonio,
The Interfaith Welcome Coalition (IWC) is a faith-based movement meeting the changing needs of asylum seekers, refugees and at-risk immigrants in collaboration with others.
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
(916) 482-0120
2020 Hurley Way Suite 420
Sacramento ,
The International Rescue Committee provides opportunities for refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and other immigrants to thrive in America.
Jewish Family Service of San Diego
8804 Balboa Avenue
San Diego,
All of our services—from food assistance and transportation, to counseling and career coaching—work together to equip individuals and families with the building blocks to thrive. We measure our work’s effectiveness by looking at client, service, and community outcomes and make changes when we discover better ways to work.
Jobs with Justice- Tucson Coalition
(520) 241-2730
443 W Louisiana Ave
Jobs With Justice is committed to working nationally and locally, on the ground and online. We win real change for workers by combining innovative communications strategies and solid research and policy advocacy with grassroots action and mobilization.
Just Communities Arizona
(520) 623-9141
P.O. Box 13369
Arizona, P.O. BOX
At Just Communities Arizona, we are creating new models for justice and safety, outside of Arizona’s punishment system. Together, we’re working toward a system that provides peace, community, and safety for everyone.
Justice Overcoming Boundaries
[email protected] Nedy Velazquez, Organizer -
4011 Ohio Street
San Diego ,
The mission of Justice Overcoming Boundaries (JOB) is to support and develop grassroots community leadership by empowering lower income and other marginalized, often immigrant and people of color in San Diego with the tools, skills, and resources to shape the public policies that directly impact them, their families, and communities. Given the JOB is an institutionally based interfaith organization, it builds leaders across race, class and geographic barriers in our region.
Justice Overcoming Boundaries in San Diego County
(619) 261-2507
4011 Ohio Street
San Diego,
the mission of Justice Overcoming Boundaries (JOB) is to support and develop grassroots community leadership by empowering lower income and other marginalized, often immigrant and people of color in San Diego with the tools, skills, and resources to shape the public policies that directly impact them, their families, and communities
Karen Organization of San Diego
(619) 582-0783
5354 University Ave #1
San Diego,
Karen Organization of San Diego is committed to the educational and social enhancement of various ethnic minority groups from Burma who reside in San Diego. KOSD programs include, but are not limited to, helping refugees to navigate the welfare, healthcare, education, law enforcement, and public safety systems in the U.S., as well as providing leadership opportunities for youth and adults, connecting refugees from Burma with employment, community empowerment programs, and tutoring and English language training
Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)
(202) 918-9431
888 West 6th Street, Suite 900
Los Angeles,
Ensuring that no child appears in immigration court without high quality legal representation; Advancing laws, policies, and practices that ensure children’s protection and uphold their right to due process and fundamental fairness; and Promoting in countries of origin, transit, and destination durable solutions to child migration that are grounded in the best interests of the child and ensure that no child is forced to involuntarily migrate.
L.U.C.H.A. MEZCOPH, University of Arizona
550 E. Van Buren Street , UA Phoenix Plaza Building 1
L.U.C.H.A. promotes health through advocacy, education, and service. We have a specific focus on the intersections of immigration, health and health in the U.S. – Mexico border region.
La Frontera Shelter
(956) 722-3629
1919 Cedar Ave.
Run by Catholic Charities – Diocese of Laredo, La Frontera migrant shelter provides emergency shelter for migrants and refugees.
La Mujer Obrera
(915) 217-1135
2000 Texas Ave.
El Paso,
Our mission is to develop and use our creative capacity to express the dignity and diversity of our Mexican heritage, from indigenous Mesoamerican roots to contemporary expressions, and to develop and celebrate our community through economic development, community building, community health and civic engagement.
La Piñon (Sexual assault response agency)
(575) 526-3437
850 N Motel Blvd, Suite B
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
To provide comprehensive services related to sexual violence and child abuse to individuals, families and the community.
La Posada Provinencia
30094 Marydale Rd
San Benito,
La Union del Pueblo Entero (LUPE)
(956) 223-6229
1601 US-83 BUS
San Juan,
Founded by labor rights activist César Chávez & Dolores Huerta, LUPE builds stronger, healthier communities where colonia residents use the power of civic engagement for social change. LUPE’s strength derives from our 8,000+ members throughout the Rio Grande Valley.
Labor’s Training & Community Development Alliance dba Employee Rights Center
(619) 321-1372
4265 Fairmount Ave, Ste 200
San Diego,
Founded in 1999 the Employee Rights Center has as its mission, offering all San Diego area workers, especially disadvantaged workers without union representation, education and advocacy regarding their workplace issues. It is the only non-profit organization in the area that offers legal services regarding employment and labor law.
Laredo Holding Institute
1102 Santa Maria Ave
Laredo ,
Laredo Immigrant Alliance
(956) 410-0713
LIA is a group led by immigrants and allies that fight for immigrant rights.
Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
(915) 544-5126
1500 E. Yandell Dr.
El Paso,
The mission of Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center is to provide high-quality legal services to low-income immigrants, and to advocate for human rights.
Las Cruces Gospel Rescue Mission
(575) 523-7727
1050 West Amador Avenue
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
The Las Cruces Gospel Rescue Mission remains the only shelter in the City that offers Christian guidance, provides emergency food and lodging services 24 hours every day, uses no tax dollars, and seeks to re-assimilate the less fortunate into productive society.
Living Hope Wheelchair Association
(832) 212-2091
9500 Westview, Suite 104
Our Mission is to affirm the dignity and improve the quality of life of immigrants and refugees with disabilities and their families; particularly of those in a wheelchair due to a spinal cord injury or disease. We work in the intersection of disability rights, healthcare justice and immigrant and worker rights providing medical supplies and equipment
Loaves & Fishes Of The Rio Grande Valley
(956) 423-1014
514 South E Street
The Loaves and Fishes of the Rio Grande Valley Corporation shall be a cooperative corporation of those congregations and local denominational bodies (e.g. District, Association, Diocese, Region, Presbytery, Conference, Convention, etc.) which choose to participate. Loaves and Fishes’ primary mission is to function as the “mission arm” of the member congregations in the Upper Cameron and Willacy County areas. Loaves and Fishes of the RGV Valley, Inc., offers food, shelter, job training and placement and provides monetary and non-monetary aid to those experiencing a life altering event that takes away their ability to afford the necessities of life.
M.E.Ch.A of San Diego State University
6075 Aztec Circle Drive
San Diego,
MEChA can assist you in the consciousness-raising of our people and the retention of our culture to help give our on-campus community empowerment through awareness. On an individual level, MEChA fosters leadership skills, self and group respect, and more friendships with Raza students.
McAllen Heart Hospital
(956) 994-2000
1900 South D Street
South Texas Health System Heart, one of the first freestanding cardiology and cardiovascular hospitals built in the United States, is dedicated solely to heart-related medical needs for patients. We provide diagnosis and treatment, emergency heart care, cardiac catheterization, heart surgery and education. South Texas Health System Heart is also equipped with a full-service emergency department, as well as a bariatric surgery center.
McAllen Medical Center
(956) 632-4000
301 West Expressway 83
South Texas Health System is an integrated care system comprised of six unique facilities, six freestanding emergency departments, multiple physician practices and a broad variety of outpatient services. We are on a journey to become nationally recognized for our high-quality clinical care and services as we proudly serve our friends and neighbors in the South Texas region.
McAllen Pregnancy Center
(956) 631-4585
816 S Main St
McAllen’s Pregnancy Center helps women through difficulties in an open, caring, and supportive environment. MPC offers services such as pregnancy testing and ultra-sounds. All services are 100% confidential and free.
Mesilla Valley Community of Hope
(575) 523-2219
999 W. Amador
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
The mission of Mesilla Valley Community of Hope is to promote dignity and empowerment among the homeless population by providing shelter services, case management, income support and permanent housing programs in Las Cruces and Dona Ana County, New Mexico.
Metro Connect
(956) 548-6050
B Metro, 755 International Boulevard
Intercity bus service connecting the upper and lower Valley.
Mexicanos en Exilio
(915) 356-8022
1430 E Yandell Dr.
El Paso,
Based out of El Paso and Southern New Mexico, our mission is to empower bi-national communities to holistically improve economic, political,and social well-being by promoting human rights and political engagement along the US-MX border
Mijente helps people do this through campaigns, connects people across a wide network and serves as a hub for culture, learning and advocacy.
Mission Regional Medical Center
(956) 323-9000
900 S Bryan Rd.
Our Mission is to provide quality care and superior service to improve the health of the communities we serve.
Moody Clinic
(956) 542-8504
1901 E. 22nd Street
Mission is to provide rehabilation and services to children with special needs while be afffortable for low income.
Muslim American Society Public Affairs and Civic Engagement — San Diego (MAS PACE San Diego)
(800) MAS-2166
San Diego,
Focusing on personal development of individuals through a comprehensive Islamic educational curriculum, MAS promotes active involvement in communities across the U.S. by providing opportunities for community service, interfaith initiatives, youth programs, and civic engagement.
National Latino Research Center at CSU San Marcos
(760) 750-3500
Social and Behavioral Sciences Building, Suite 2142, 333 S Twin Oaks Valley Rd
San Marcos,
Specializing in applied research, the NLRC brings together key stakeholders from the community, government, nonprofit sector, and private industry to identify solutions and develop strategies to address local and regional challenges.
Neighbors in Need of Services, Inc.
(956) 399-9944
22887 State Highway 345
Rio Hondo,
The mission of NINOS, Inc. is “Creating a brighter future for the children and la familia” We work to enhance the development of young children, promote healthy family functioning, provide for staff development and establish partners among the Community.
NM CAFé (Las Cruces, NM)
(760) 534-8269
420 W. Griggs Ave
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
Faith based organizing is about people, and CAFé aspires to create a culture of support that empowers New Mexicans to act on their own behalf towards a better quality of life.
NM Dream Team
625 Silver Ave SW #320
New Mexico
The NM dream team is the largest immigrant youth-led network in New Mexico and is committed to create power for multigenerational, undocumented, and mixed status families towards liberation through leadership development, civic engagement, policy research, curriculum building and grassroots organizing. Our mission is to cultivate and develop leaders for the upcoming generations by using intersectional, gender and racial justice framework.
NM Faith Coalition for Immigrant Justice
(505) 226-1642
3501 Campus Blvd NE
Albuquerque ,
New Mexico
Collaborate with faith communities to create an ecumenical and interfaith alliance in the state of New Mexico for immigrant justice. In this mission we seek to: Educate our community about immigrant issues, Provide compassionate services to immigrant families, Advocate for humane immigration reform that promotes family unity, and respects the inherent dignity of every person
No More Deaths
(520) 724-9146
4831 E. 22nd Street
does cash checking, does belonging returns for deported migrants, notary public service
North County Immigration Task Force
(760) 593-7411
San Marcos,
in partnership with the immigrant community, works to advance the leadership, rights, dignity and well being of immigrants in North County, San Diego. We organize know your rights information sessions with trusted attorneys for impacted community members as well as allies. When crisis arise we also assist folks by helping navigate through various channels of assistance to ensure folks have that additional layer of support in these trying times.
Nuestra Clinica Del Valle, Inc. – San Juan Clinic
(956) 787-0787
801 W. 1st Street, San Juan
San Juan,
H services to residents of the Rio Grande Valley. NCDV serves Hidalgo and Starr counties with 11 locations, including two school-based clinics to treat and care for your children. NCDV offers comprehensive medical services that include family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, laboratory, radiology, nutrition, behavioral health and dental.
Nuestra Tierra
(915) 217-3688
300 N Main St, Second Floor
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
The Nuestra Tierra Conservation Project was created in 2017 by a group of Latinx/Latine/Hispanic conservation advocates whose experience has shown them the need to provide communities of color with sustainable opportunities for community engagement, access and education around public lands and waters — rather than initiatives that tokenize our voices.
Ozanam Center
(956) 589-8084
656 N Minnesota Ave
The Corporation, BISHOP ENRIQUE SAN PEDRO, OZANAM CENTER, Inc., operates exclusively for the charitable purpose of providing assistance to those in need by: A) Providing temporary shelter and housing to homeless, regardless of sex, color, creed and national origin; B) Offering referral to social services agencies and humanitarian encouragement; C) Facilitating the involvement of community volunteers in center needs; D) Providing information to the public about homelessness in the community.
PANA – Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans
(619) 363-7382
4089 Fairmount Avenue
San Diego,
Our goal is to work with leaders in City Council to create Tenants Rights Board that would be responsible for enforcing state and local laws related to rental housing, regulate rent increases, and mediate landlord and tenant hearings in regards to disputed wrongful evictions.
People Helping People Arivaca
(5200 398-3093
Arivaca Humanitarian Aid Office, P.O. Box 826
Arizona, P.O. BOX
We distribute resources for residents to provide humanitarian aid: water gallons, food packs, home medical kits, clothing, Red Cross international phone service, legal & medical professionals, consulate information, Spanish-language instruction and interpretation, and more.
Protection Network Action Fund
The Protection Network Action Fund is a community based network that supports grassroots organizing for immigrant rights in Tucson by providing financial support to members and associates of immigrant led organizations who are detained and faced with deportation.
Proyecto Azteca
(956) 702-3307
1601 US Business HWY 83
San Juan,
Provides self-help housing program, construction training, mortgage counseling, homeownership counseling, and a tool library.
Raices Texas (The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education & Legal Services)
(214) 919-0736
1305 N. Flores Street
San Antonio,
We defend the rights of immigrants and refugees, empower individuals, families, and communities, and advocate for liberty and justice.
Refugee Health Alliance.
(664) 115-7709
8861 Villa La Jolla Drive #12062
La Jolla,
Providing hope and medicine to refugees living near the US/MEXICO Border.
(520) 301-0262
Tuscon ,
Armando Barrio, community organizing based on the foundation of environmental, migrant and economic justice!
Rio Bravo Food Bank
(956) 771-1841
516 Rio Rojo
A food pantry located in the Rio Bravo Texas Community that distributes free groceries and bread every Thursday 7pm
Rio Grande Regional Hospital
(956) 632-6000
101 East Ridge Road
Rio Grande Regional Hospital in McAllen, TX brings the latest healthcare technology and treatments to the communities of the Rio Grande Valley. As an HCA Hospital, Rio Grande Regional Hospital focuses on the needs of each individual patient. Here are just a few of the services we provide: – State-of-the-art emergency room with Level III trauma center at the main hospital as well as two community-based 24-Hour ERs in McAllen/Mission and Edinburg. – Full-service cardiovascular care, from the fast treatment of events like heart attack and stroke to the treatment of underlying heart and peripheral vascular diseases. – Our Children’s Medical Center, offering a full-range of pediatric specialties, including a neonatal ICU (NICU) and pediatric ICU (PICU). – Women’s services, providing OB/GYN care, labor and delivery services, childbirth classes and more. Our five community-based Women’s Clinics extend services further into Rio Grande Valley communities. – Texas Transplant Institute (TTI) satellite program, providing more convenient and comfortable care to local patients in need of stem cell transplants. – Rio Grande Surgery Center, providing outpatient surgeries and procedures from general surgery to specialties like pediatric surgery or plastic surgery. – Diabetes management services, from ongoing care to support groups and self-management classes.
RIO-Net Aging & Disability Resource Center of the Rio Grande Valley
(855) 937-2372
301 W Railroad Street Building D
The Aging and Disability Resource Center serve as single point of entry into long term services and support systems for older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers, veterans and families.
Road Runner Food Bank NM
505 S. Main St., Suite 149A
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
Our programs at Roadrunner® Food Bank play a significant role in providing support to those facing food insecurity throughout New Mexico. We are committed to providing healthy, nutritious food to those in need. We are also committed to improving access to the services we provide by meeting people where they are.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Rio Grande Valley
(956) 412-7200
3402 Fort Worth St.
Corpus Christi,
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Corpus Christi provides a comfortable home-away-from-home for families who must travel to fulfill their children’s healthcare needs.
S.A.F.E. House – Sheltering and empowering survivors of intimate partner and domestic violence
(800) 773-3645
Thriftique, 6001 Lomas Blvd NE # Q
New Mexico
Our mission is to shelter and empower survivors of intimate partner domestic violence
Safe Harbors Network
(619) 723-1371
3295 Meade Ave
San Diego,
charity dedicated to creating bed capacity for immigrant asylum-seekers and refugees. We recruit, screen and train a network of congregations, individuals, organizations and homes who partner with Safe Harbors to provide temporary emergency shelter beds for refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers.
Salud y Vida
(956) 342-3094
UT School of Public Health One W University Boulevard
Salud y Vida is a group of local organizations dedicated to improving the health of members of the community. It is a new program with the mission of helping people with uncontrolled diabetes in the Rio Grande Valley to achieve optimal health.
Salvation Army
(956) 423-2454
4300 E. Paisano Drive
El Paso,
Our group homes, emergency shelters, and transitional living centers provide housing, food, and overnight lodging for varying amounts of time to destitute families, the homeless, the displaced, and to youth where family care is undesirable or unavailable.
Salvation Army of Laredo
(956) 723-7751
408 Matamoros St
The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Our message is based on the Bible, our ministry is motivated by the love of God, and our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ as we meet human needs in His name without discrimination. Every program we offer is rooted in our passion to serve God by serving the lost, the vulnerable, the needy, the poor, the hurting, the helpless, and the hopeless.
San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council.
(619) 228-8101
3737 Camino del Rio South, Ste 403
San Diego,
We make sure workers have a voice on the job and at the negotiating table so we can stand up to our bosses to get better wages, healthcare, retirement security and fair treatment on the job.Then we take that worker power into halls of government.
San Diego Dream Team
San Diego,
The San Diego Dream Team is an organization led by immigrant youth that exists to organize and advocate social justice for immigrant communities. This is done by: Working to pass local, statewide, and national legislation that will change the living conditions of immigrants Empowering and informing individuals to seek and obtain resources in higher education Building awareness in San Diego County of the recurring issues faced by youth in immigrant communities
San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium
P.O. Box 12266
San Diego,
California, P.O. BOX
The San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium brings together more than 50 diverse organizations across San Diego County that advocate for policies that advance the civil and human rights of immigrants and refugees.
San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association
(619) 239-7600
P.O. Box 125010
San Diego,
California, P.O. BOX
Our Mission is to advance the cause of equality, empowerment, and justice for Latino attorneys and the Latino community in San Diego County through service and advocacy. We are dedicated to promoting diversity on both the bench and bar. We support law students with mentorship programs and scholarships.
San Gabriel Valley Immigrant Youth Coalition
San Gabriel Valley,
San Gabriel Valley Immigrant Youth Coalition(SGVIYC) is an organization of undocumented students and community members in the San Gabriel Valley.We are a undocumented led organization in California working for the rights of all immigrants. We organize to empower undocumented students to come out of the shadows to advocate for their families and communities
San Diego,
REA is a grassroots organization varying from immigration, environmental, poverty, racism and gender inequalities.
SEIU United Service Workers West — San Diego
(714) 448-5378
4004 Kearny Mesa R
San Diego,
JANITORS From across California, more than 25,000 janitors united in USWW are leading the effort for good jobs including wages you can raise a family on, access to quality health care and respect on the job.
Serving Children and Adults in Need (SCAN)
(956) 724 3177
1605 Saldana Ave.
The mission of Serving Children and Adults in Need is to foster the healthy development of individuals through trauma-informed empowerment opportunities that are rooted in the community; utilize evidence-based interventions and best practices; respond to the needs of the population regarding culture, language, sexual orientation and gender identity; emphasize choice and self-determination; and encourage the support of peers and promote long term recovery and resilience.
Sin Fronteras Farmworker Center
(915) 532-0921
201 East Ninth Avenue
El Paso,
Sin Fronteras Organizing Project, a non-profit organization properly incorporated in the State of Texas on February 1993, was founded to fight against the injustices and inequalities faced by the farmworker community of West Texas and Southern New Mexico. The Centro de los Trabajadores Agícolas provides services to farmworkers and low income residents of the area, such as English classes, arts and recreation for both children and adults. The center includes a modest clinic and a cafeteria.
Somali Bantu Association of America
(619) 946-5599
4265 Fairmount Avenue, Ste. 210
San Diego,
Rounded in 2009, as a resource for refugee families seeking to adjust to their new lives in the United States, the Somali Bantu Association of America (SBAOA) educates, serves, and organizes cultural and life-skill training programs in an effort to promote self-sufficiency among the individuals and families
Somos Un Pueblo Unido
(575) 397-0022
208 N. Turner St.
New Mexico
Because we believe that every person should have the freedom to move in order to pursue a better life, Somos Un Pueblo Unido works to build a community that does not discriminate against people based on their national origin, that institutes humane migration policies, and that protects the human rights of everyone irrespective of where they are born or what documents they carry.
South Bay People Power
173 Rivera Ct, Chula Vista
Chula Vista,
South Bay People Power is a non-partisan, proactive group of residents who embrace inclusiveness and promote our American values of justice, fairness and civil rights.
South Texas Behavioral Health Center
(888) 977-1400
2102 W. Trenton Rd.
South Texas Health System Behavioral provides inpatient treatment to children, adolescents, adults and older adults.
South Texas Food Bank
2121 Jefferson St
The South Texas Food Bank is a 501 (c) 3 non profit organization headquartered in Laredo, Webb County, Texas. Since 1989, our mission has been to alleviate hunger in South Texas by collecting and distributing food through partner agencies and programs while creating awareness and educating the community on the realities of hunger.
South Texas Human Rights Center
(361) 325-2555
117 E. Miller St.
community based organization in Falfurrias, Texas dedicated to the promotion, protection, defense and exercise of human rights and dignity in South Texas. Our mission is to end death and suffering on the Texas/Mexico border through community initiatives.
South Texas Immigration Council, Inc.
(956) 682-5397
4 E Levee St
El Centro de Inmigración es un esfuerzo communal de habla Hispana que toma interès y esfuerza por solicionar y remediar los problemas que confrontan al pueblo hispano en áreas como inmigración, educación, trabajo, viviendas, salud y derechos civiles.
South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project
(956) 425-9231
mailto:[email protected]
202 S. 1st Street, Suite 300
Provides pro bono legal services to asylum seekers detained in South Texas by the United States government.
Southern Border Community Coalition
San Diego,
Ensure that border enforcement policies and practices are accountable and fair, respect human dignity and human rights, and prevent the loss of life in the region. Promote policies and solutions that improve the quality of life in border communities. Support rational and humane immigration reform policies affecting the border region.
Southern California Immigration Project.
(858) 247-2457
2534 State St. #208
San Diego,
Southern California Immigration Project is a public interest nonprofit organization dedicated to providing pro bono legal services to survivors of human and civil rights violations.
Southside Presbyterian Church
(520) 548-6558
317 West 23rd Street
Sanctuary volunteers based at Southside provided aid and temporary shelter to more than 13,000 Central Americans fleeing war, death squads, and torture.
Southside Worker Center
(520) 955-8165
317 w. 23rd St.
The Southside Worker Center supports a community of worker-leaders building collective power and raising the standards of worker conditions so that members can take part in dignified work and earn just wages.
Srs. of St. Joseph of Carondelet, LA Province
(310) 889-2119
11999 Chalon Rd
Los Angeles,
Along with our Associates and ministry partners, we serve others in the United States, Japan and Peru. We do it in a manner that respects individuality and diversity, fostering the common good through parish service, adult education, spiritual direction and retreat work, direct service of the poor, and justice activities.
St. Francis in the Foothills
(602) 460-0711
4625 E. River Road
beyond. St. Francis has long been active in the areas of Social Justice, Reconciling Ministries, Refugee Ministries, Mental Health and Hunger Ministries, just to name a few.
Starr County Memorial Hospital
(956) 487-5561
128 N FM 3167
Rio Grande City,
To serve our fellow man by providing quality healthcare and service for the overall well-being of individuals in the community regardless of race, religion, sex, age, nationality, or economic status. To value our Medical Staff, employees and volunteers as our most important asset. To be good citizens through community involvement, providing health education in preventive medicine and self-care. To respect our patients’ rights and decisions about their healthcare. To invest in our future by providing a positive family atmosphere of comfort, hospitality, compassion, understanding, hope and support. To continue to grow and advance in technology. To adapt to the changes and challenges of a pending reformation of the healthcare system by becoming a part of a successful integrated system of “network” in order to meet all the healthcare needs of the community in a most effective, and economical manner. Above all, our mission is to serve.
Survivors of Torture, International
(619) 278-2400
P.O. Box 151240
San Diego,
California, P.O. BOX
Survivors of Torture, International is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to caring for survivors of politically motivated torture and their families who live in San Diego County.
Texas Civil Rights Project
(956) 787-8171
1405 Montopolis Drive
TCRP believes that legal advocacy and litigation are critical tools to protect and advance the civil rights of everyone in Texas, particularly our State’s most vulnerable populations, and to effect positive and lasting change to law and policy. We believe that by serving the rising social justice movement in Texas with excellent legal representation and bold strategies, we can respond to the needs of the communities we serve.
Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid
(956) 727-8371
1702 Convent Ave.
TRLA provides free civil legal services to residents in 68 Southwest Texas counties, and represents migrant and seasonal farm workers throughout the state and in six other southern states.
The Bail Project – San Diego
(323) 366-0799
P.O. Box 750
California, P.O. BOX
We restore the presumption of innocence, reunite families, and challenge a system that criminalizes race and poverty. We’re on a mission to end cash bail and create a more just, equitable, and humane pretrial system.
The Literacy Center of Harlingen
(956) 428-8883
101 East Monroe Ave
tion dedicated to helping adults across the Harlingen and surrounding areas reach their full potential by enabling them to acquire the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills (in English) they need to help themselves in their daily lives.
The No Border Wall Laredo Coalition
956) 724-6244
1 West End Washington St. Bldg P-11
Our coalition is made of multiple organizations, artists, families, and individuals who care about our environment, the impact to people, and that the border wall not hurt our community. #NoBorderWall
The San Diego LGBT Center
(619) 692-2077
3909 Centre Street
San Diego,
The Center’s Nicole Murray-Ramirez Latin@ Services has provided a safe, welcoming, culturally and linguistically appropriate space for a range of services since 2004 for the Latino/a/x LGBTQ community. Latin@ Services allows community members to accept and embrace all aspects of their lives including their culture, traditions, language, spirituality, and sexual and gender identities.
The Women’s Intercultural Center
(575) 882-5556
303 Lincoln Street
New Mexico
To raise awareness of border issues and promote cross-cultural dialogue.
Tropical Texas Behavioral Health
(956) 289-7000
105 N. Loop 499
TTBH improves the lives of people with behavioral health needs through the efficient and effective provision of quality services delivered with respect, dignity, cultural sensitivity, and a focus on recovery. Substance abuse
Tucson Samaritans
Southside Presbyterian Church, 317 W 23rd Street
Help immigrants on the boarder with basic resources, such as medical assistance , food, water. In addition this org does searches and looks missing people.
Unitarian Universalist Refugee & Immigration Services
(760) 477-7537
1600 Buena Vista Dr.
Buena Vista,
To empower immigrants and refugees in the http://u.s.by/ offering direct legal services, particularly to those who have few resources to obtain legal assistance
Unite Here Local 30
1940 Fifth Ave
United Domestic Workers
(619) 263-7254
4855 Seminole Drive
San Diego,
Our union allows us to fight for better working conditions collectively and, as a result, we have experienced many victories for home care over the past several decades, starting with the creation of California’s In-Home Supportive Services program (IHSS) in 1973.
United Taxi Workers of San Diego
(619) 255-7355
4265 Fairmount Ave., Suite 180
San Diego,
The mission of UTWSD is to unify taxicab workers, to improve working conditions through direct advocacy and empowerment to increase education and civic participation by taxi drivers and their families, and to improve professional transportation services for the San Diego community and visitors.
United Way of South Texas -Transportation Vouchers
(956) 383-0023
113 W. Pecan Blvd.
Provides transportation vouchers for individuals who have no means of transportation for job training/employment and support services. If someone is escorting the person to their appointment, the escort person does not need a voucher..
United Way of Southwest New Mexico
(575) 524-7561
1401 S Don Roser Dr, Ste A2
Las Cruces,
New Mexico
United Way improves lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good.
University of Arizona Primary Prevention Mobile Health Unit-Tucson
(520) 251-8418
1295 N. Martin Ave., Drachman Hall
The Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health developed and implemented a primary prevention mobile unit to provide access to health services and promote healthy lifestyles choices to vulnerable populations in southern regions of Arizona. Through the Mobile Health Unit, we aim to provide access to health services by targeting key priority issues such as nutrition, obesity, diabetes, reproductive health, child health, mental health, HIV/AIDS, addictions, domestic violence, and access to health services. The Mobile Health Unit will also launch preventative health campaigns and promote healthy lifestyles choices utilizing culturally and sensitively created materials, fliers, videos, and group presentations and workshops. Preventative Health Services to include: Hypertension screening; Diabetes screening (Glucose and A1C); Cholesterol & Triglycerides screening (When available); Obesity (BMI); Orientation and Health Education on prevention and care of chronic diseases ).
UTRGV UniMovil Mobile Clinic
(956) 296-1700
2102 Treasure Hills Boulevard
primary care to people living in underserved communities who struggle with access to health care. UniMóvil also provides another opportunity for medical students, medical residents and students in the UTRGV College of Health Affairs to train and serve the community.
Valley Aids Council
(956) 428-2653
2306 Camelot Plaza
VAC is a non-profit HIV service organization that delivers culturally appropriate sexual health and wellness services in South Texas and advocates for the Latinx population at the local, state and national level. Services are in McAllen, Harlingen & Brownsville.